will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on Friday, May 28, from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Parts or all of the site may be unavailable during that time.

Agave gypsophylia 'Ivory Curls'

Common Name: Gypsum Century Plant

Agave gypsophila is a sought-after succulent, difficult to find and rare in production. ‘Ivory Curls’ is a variegated form of A. gypsophila with the same wavy, spined leaves as the species - a unique and interesting look for Agave. Blue-gray leaves have ½” wide, ivory margins. You’ll notice a faint green coloration where the margins and the centers overlap. Best color will occur when in full sun, the overall look will be greener in part shade. From Stan Walkley of Queensland, Australia.

The common name "Century Plant" is alluding to the belief that it takes 100 years to bloom. In reality, Agaves bloom after 15-20 years, and the main crown dies after blooming.