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Parts or all of the site may be unavailable during that time.

Phlox paniculata FLAME Red ('Barphflare' PP28646)

FLAME™ Series

Phlox FLAME Red Tall Garden Phlox

Common Name: Tall Garden Phlox

What more could one ask for in a Phlox? New from Dummen Orange (formerly Bartels Stek), this intense red flowering selection is a recently developed improvement, replacing existing production under the same name. We are pleased to add it to the other knock-out varieties that we offer.

Perfectly suited for containers, courtyard gardens, and the middle of the border, the Phlox FLAME™ Series is a group of naturally dwarf, compact cultivars.  All members of this series offer good disease resistance, a bushy habit, and large, fragrant flowers in midsummer. A number of colors in the series are available.