will be undergoing scheduled maintenance on Friday, May 28, from 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Parts or all of the site may be unavailable during that time.

Chrysanthemum 'Rhumba'

Common Name: Hardy Garden Mum

(Formerly Dendranthema)

A fabulous new hybrid mum from Rika Bronsther, who also introduced Anenome x hybrida 'Party Dress' PP13844. The flower colors of this new selection will leave you reminiscing about tropical sunsets. Deep red buds open to coral-red blossoms which lighten to coral-peach as they mature. They are daisy-shaped with a yellow center and measure an average of 2 inches across. The dull green foliage forms a compact cushion-like mound that is much wider than tall. It is smothered in flowers from late summer well into fall.

Chrysanthemums are easy-to-grow plants for the perennial border or containers. They combine well with other fall blooming perennials such as Aster 'Purple Dome' and Sedum 'Autumn Joy'.